
Jerry King Estate

Crawford Auction Service is very proud to announce… The Jerry King Estate Auction Real Estate and Personal Property Wednesday, April 9th, 2025–9:30 A.M. 23849 County Road 245, Pittsburg, Missouri 65724 Will sell the following located from Pittsburg, MO 2 miles West on J Hwy. to J8, then North 2 miles (outpost), then North 1 mile. […] ...
09 Apr
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Jerry King Residence
23849 County Road 245, Pittsburg, MO

Vickey Maness

Crawford Auction Service is very proud to announce… The Vickey Maness Auction Real Estate and Personal Property Saturday, April 26th, 2025–10:00 A.M. 575A SE 1291 RD, Clinton, MO 64735 Due to the passing of my husband, will sell the following 17 miles East of Clinton or 11 miles West of Warsaw, MO on Hwy. 7 […] ...
26 Apr
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Maness Residence
575A SE 1291 Rd, Clinton, MO

May Machinery Consignment Auction

Crawford Auction Service is very proud to announce… The May Machinery Consignment Auction Saturday, May 3rd, 2025–9:00 A.M. 40610 U.S. Highway 65, Warsaw, MO 65355 Crawford Auction Service is now taking consignment reservations for the annual May Machinery Consignment. This will be one of the best opportunities of the year to sell your Tractors, Machinery, […] ...
03 May
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sam Crawford's Auction Site
40610 U.S. 65, Warsaw, Missouri 65355
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