David and Amanda Roberts
Crawford Auction Service is very proud to announce…
The David and Amanda Roberts Auction
Saturday, June 22nd, 2024–9:30 AM
Elkton, Missouri 65650
As we have sold our farm & moving, will sell the following located from Wheatland, MO 7 miles South on Hwy. 83 to Elkton, MO, then West 1 mile on Hwy. H to Co. Rd. 143, then South 1 mile. Watch for auction signs.
MACHINERY–Sells near 12 NOON
NH 640 Auto Wrap Round Bales, Shedded, Looks Good
Hesston 1006 3 Pt. Disc Mower, 9’, Works
IH 10’ Pull Brush Cutter, Works
Vermeer 605J Round Baler, Twine, Works
Bumper Hitch 16’ Utility Trailer, Needs Floor
Older Pick-Up Bed Trailer
22 Ton Wood Splitter
Gravely Zero Turn Mower, 44”, Needs Some Work
Lincoln 225 Electric Welder
Craftsman Lawn Tractor
Stihl Chainsaw
Yard Cart
Mantis Type Tiller
12V Sprayer
Cordless Trimmer
Long Handle Tools
3 Alum. Ext. Ladders
6’ Fiberglass Step Ladder
Asst. Power Hand Tools
Wrenches, Sockets
Sev. Rods/Reels
5-6 Bicycles
Comm. Painter
2 Pick-Up Toolboxes
Steel Posts
3 Bale Rings (1 Horse)
4-5 Poly Feed Bunks
5-6 Port. Panels
2 Pony Carts
Horse Blankets, Bridles, Asst. Tack
8×8 Chain link Dog Pen
Cistern Pump
Other Misc.
GE Washer &Dryer (1 Yr. Old)
Whirlpool Double Door Refrigerator, Bottom Freezer
Maytag Refrigerator, Bottom Freezer
Kenmore Chest Freezer
Oak Dining Table, 6 Chairs, Hutch, Nice
Roll Top Desk
2 Bar Stools
Ant. Desk
Couch, Chair/Ottoman
Rustic Pine Twin Bed & Dresser
Cedar Chest
Ant. Copper Boiler
2-3 Chest of Drawers
Oak Coffee Table & End Tables
Ant. Framed Pictures
Rustic Pine End Table
Singer Treadle Sewing Machine
2 Recliners
TV Cabinet
Coffee Table
Some Antique Dishes
Catering Pots & Burners
Wilton Cake Pans
Glass Cannister Set
Lot Christmas Decorations
New Ceiling Lights
2 Concrete Yard Benches
Lg. Chest of Drawers
Ant. Lamp Table
2 Upholstered Chairs
Walnut Drop Leaf Table
Ant. Oak Dining Table & 4 Chairs (Dr. Briggs, Wheatland)
Window AC
Walker, Wheelchair, Other Items
Lodge Decorations
3-4 McCoy Planters
Jewelry Cabinet
Other Household Misc

- Jun 22 2024
- Expired!
- 9:30 am - 3:00 pm